Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Birthday Gift Ideas for Virgo

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The first half of September belongs to the modest, shy, meticulous, tidy, reliable, practical, diligent, analytical and intelligent Virgo. The basic outlook is toward practical considerations in every facet of daily life. They make an impression with their skilful insights and broad-based knowledge.

They are the most interesting person to be with. When you get to know them a little more, you find out they are fascinating people with all sorts of useful tidbits of information.

They have a well balanced mind and superior intellectual abilities. They are considered by friends and family to be courteous, diplomatic, cool and rather reserved. They are real thinkers; having a quick and keen perception.

They are loyal as partners and friends and are caring to the ones that they love.

Virgo is associated with intellectual pursuits such as reading and writing, practical crafts, health, fitness, and nutrition. A book as a gift is always appreciated by a Virgo.

They are critical of home and appearance and seem overly practical in anything that they do. One of their favorite herbs is Lavender; consider buying a readymade Lavender gift basket or creat your own with an assortment of Lavender sachet, lavender soap, lavender lotion, and lavender body wash

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The virgoan is an excellent organizer who likes to keep lists; this is a hint for a PDA, Blackberry or handmade to-do-list

If the Virgo person in your life is far from their native habitat, they would appreciate something from their hometown, since they will always carry a love for their birthplace.

Virgo’s colors are blue, green and dark brown. They are more into natural shades such as forest green, navy blue, beige, tan, and soft shades of brown or gray rather than bright or neon tones. They prefer monochromatic clothing rather than patterns or designs that would make the fabric look “cluttered.”
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The Virgo female is quite severe in her moral judgments, so birthday gifts from countries or places that use child labor, or unfair practices or discriminate is a no-no.

Try a handmade jewelry in one their favorite stones, Jade, Carnelian, Diamond, Jasper, Aquamarine, Olivine, Tourmaline, sardonyx,and sapphire.

The Sardonyx can be found with many different colored bands on it but the one suggested for Virgo is has a reddish brown color.

Complete your birthday package with a unique personalized card with Madonna Lilies, Madonna Lily or Aster picture, some of Virgo's favorite flowers. Other Virgo flowers are pansy and magnolia.


  1. Wow, all of those would be perfect for a Virgo! That basket in the first photo is so special!

  2. Oh my goodness, look at all those goodies!
    Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and inspirations!

  3. That was absolutely a great gift baskets idea its a alot of treats I love. Keep posting!

